08 Feb

A horse trader once gave me some solid advice,

He said you can sell the worst kind of broncs if his head looks nice.

You can trade the sick, the mean, and the lame...

But folks are bound to pay coin for a head that has game.

A short little mouth and a big kind eye,

With the rafters above that speak of a horse with try.

A smooth, straight profile and a forehead flat,

With forward and interested ears to top all that.

This horse trader knew of which he spoke,

He said a good looking horse doesn't have to be broke.

Because in the right hands and in the right place,

Even a cayuse will sell high, if he's got a nice face.

Many a man killer has been traded or sold,

To horse lover's for fortunes of glittering gold. 

All because of colour, bloodlines and bone...

And a head no longer than an old flip phone.

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