05 Mar

Well, I guess our winter is drawing to an end here in Wickenburg, Arizona and we are beginning to caste our eyes to the north. Perhaps Thursday or Friday will see Richard and I loading up our ponies and road hammering it back into the snow and cold. We are not that excited. Our naked and hairless ponies will definitely not be excited. Our dogs...well, they're dogs, and dogs are always happy if their people treat them good. This winter has been indescribable for me. I have tried to live it like there was no tomorrow. Today would be the last day for...everything. So make it a good one. I figure life is made up of moments and I wasn't going to waste them thinking about what's coming next. Tall order, enjoying each moment for itself, but sure does increase a person's awareness and decrease the time spent worrying about all the might-bes out of your control. As for the team roping, I can sum it up this way; I have never turned so many steers for so little money won! I did not think it was possible  to find so many creative ways to lose. I honestly only sat out three short rounds all winter, the rest I made and mostly in the money holes. I got call backs that I should have been a shoo in. I have roped stronger and tougher than I ever have, but by golly, between heelers missing, slipping legs and fumbling dallies or popping tie-hards, to me bridling the steer, waving off or taking a barrier, I have learned all about humble. I have learned to never change expression, never whisper profanity, just go walk your horse around the parking lot and tamp down that disappointment. Short sightedness and self-esteem, the two most important traits in a team roper. You got to believe in yourself! You just got to. It's what will keep you coming back to the game.     Anyway, I guess that's all the words of wisdom I have today. Take care folks, and have a great day. 

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